How to Move Mountains in Two Easy Steps

san juan flowers

1. Find a mountain.

2. Let the mountain move YOU – it will thusly appear that you have moved the mountain.

This is life as a trail runner, ultrarunner, ultramarathon racer, mountain fanatic. I go into the mountains because I want to experience totality of self, and if I am out for a few hours or more, I usually get that which I seek. It is transient, however, and like any habit or addiction the dose requirements can inch upward over time.

Thusly one must take breaks, sometimes long breaks, to reset the addictive pathways. I am not in a break, but I have recently come off one where I did road races for several years. The trails called and I went back, with newly recalibrated nutrition (paleo, ancestral, gluten-free). That nutrition is a life saver, one which will be the focus of these pages and the source of anecdotes, recipes, and training strategies.

Stay tuned. We shall let ourselves be mountain-moved.

Searching for Antipode

ile amsterdam

When everything in your life seems up in the air, why not dig a tunnel to the other side of the earth and see what things look like from over there? This 2 mile wide island is exactly on the other side of the earth from a podunk rural area in Colorado – and it’s the closest thing to where I live that has anything but ocean on the other side of the globe. Most of the United States is directly across from the massive Indian Ocean, making tunneling not very productive. More on this little island, later.